Equipment Failure Procedure
RV-50 Ventilation System 10/22/62
A. The Lower Void Exhaust Fan Or Filter Becomes Inoperable
- 1. Stop lower void exhaust van and tag controls.
- 2. Close isolation valves in equipment vent lines (WL-20V, 23V, 27V, 25V, 29V, 22V and 33V).
Switch valve WL-21V so vents are directed into containment. Tag all of above.
- 3. Close lower void exhaust duct damper and tag.
- 4. Start emergency ventilation system. Refer to EOP #9
- 5. Monitor upper void temperature and activity.
- 6. Perform necessary repairs on the lower void exhaust fan or filters.
- 7. If either the emergency exhaust fan should become inoperable before the lower void
exhaust van or filter are repaired, or if the reactor compartment temperature exceeds 150F,
shutdown the reactor and cool down the primary system.
B. The Upper Void Supply Fan Becomes Inoperable
- 1. Stop upper void supply fan and tag controls.
- 2. Provide temporary air supply from passageways through the hydraulic pump and GE
cubicle compartments.
- 3. Monitor the temperature in the upper void, with a portable temperature indicator.
If the temperature should increase above 150F shut down the reactor and cool down the
primary system.
- 4. Perform necessary repairs on the upper void supply fan.
- 5. Monitor temperatures in hydraulic pump and GE cubicle rooms. Close dampers to URC
and provide temporary ventilation from corridors if temperatures start increasing.
My text copyright 2020 Tommy Johnson, all rights reserved. I believe the Savannah documentation is property of
MARAD or the US government.