4. Verify that one set of spray valves is operable.
5. Verify that ECT level, temperature and pressure are in their operating ranges.
[ECT is Effluent Condensing Tank PR-T1. ]
6. Should pressure rise above 1930 psig, reduce reactor power.
7. Repair and test PR-3V before the next reactor startup.
B. Either PR-1V or PR-24V (Code Relief Valves) Inoperable
1. Insure that three-way diversion valve, PR-25V, is lined up with the operable
relief valve.
2. Tag controls for PR-25V to prevent switching it to inoperable relief valve.
3. Verify that spray is effective and operable and that PR-3V is operable.
4. Verify that ECT level, temperature and pressure are in their operating range.
Monitor for indications of relief valve leakage.
5. Operate reactor in its normal pressure range.
6. Should the second code relief valve become inoperable, shutdown and repair both
defective valves.
C. Loss of Any One Indication - ECT (Temperature, Pressure, or Level)
1. Operate normally monitoring remaining two variables.
2. Tag inoperative instrument and repair it.
D. ECT. Indicates Relief Valve Leakage
1. Determine which of the four relief valves is leaking and correct if possible.
See items A and B for action if either PR-3V or one of the code valves is leaking.
2. Added CW makeup to cool tank if needed - overflow to lab waste tank.
3. Should incontrollable venting of pressurizer develop, shutdown reactor, maintain
system pressure and level within cooldown limits by heater operation and makeup.
Cooldown at maximum rate. Repair defective valve.
4. Should PP system relief valve PR-4V not reseat and its leakage be above the sustained
PS makeup abilities or leakage be above the sustained waste handling abilities through the
lab waste tank, shutdown the reactor, secure the PP system flow when seal flow can no
longer be maintained and cool down using the secondary system and DK system. Seal flow
to the rods should be maintained insofar as possible down to PS temperature of 200F.
E. One of More Boiler Relief Valves Leaks to the Extent That Waste Handling Capabilities
are Reached
1. Shutdown the reactor.
2. Provide necessary makeup to the boiler.
3. Cool the plant to below 200F and repair the faulty valve and retest.
My text copyright 2020 Tommy Johnson, all rights reserved. I believe the Savannah documentation is property of
MARAD or the US government.