Equipment Failure Procedure
CC-49 Containment Cooling and Containment Isolation Systems 10/22/62
A. One containment Cooling Fan Or Its Related Equipment Becomes Inoperable
- 1. Stop inoperable fan open and tag its disconnect switch and tag pushbutton on main console.
- 2. Start other fan from main console.
- 3. Should second fan become inoperable, shut down reactor and ventilate containment to
stack if activity level permits. If activity level dies not permit containment ventilation,
then cool primary system up to 50F/hr until the containment air temperature is maintained
below 167F.
- 4. Perform necessary maintenance on inoperable fan when reactor is shut down and containment
is accessible.
B. One Containment Cooling Coil Becomes Inoperable
- 1. Open manual valves on other cooling coil so that it will handle entire heat load.
- 2. Close and tag manual isolation valves on inoperable cooling coil.
- 3. Should second cooling coil become inoperable, shut down reactor and start the emergency
cooling system to cool containment.
- 4. Perform necessary maintenance on inoperable cooling coil when reactor is shut down and
containment is accessible.
C. Failure of Containment Isolation Valves or Related Equipment
- 1. Failure of containment isolation valve to perform its function of isolation.
- a. Shut down reactor and cool and depressurize primary system with normal means.
- b. Repair defective valve.
- 2. Containment isolation valve closes due to failure and isolates system or equipment
necessary for reactor operation.
- a. Shut down reactor.
- b. If cooling water to four primary pumps is isolated, then start emergency cooling system
and cool down with letdown coolers and emergency cooler.
- c. If letdown system is isolated, cool down with boilers and emergency cooling system.
- d. IF containment cooling coils are isolated, start emergency cooling system to cool
containment. Cool primary system with boilers and letdown coolers.
- e. IF all containment isolation valves should close, then start emergency cooling system
to cool reactor.
My text copyright 2020 Tommy Johnson, all rights reserved. I believe the Savannah documentation is property of
MARAD or the US government.